When I was a young kid, often taught, even told, to learn by heart concerning the Pillars of Faith/Belief and the Pillars of Islam. The Pillars of Faith/Belief such as Belief in God, in the Prophets before the Prophet Muhammad, the holly Books before the Qur’an, Belief in Angels, Belief in Divine Decree, and Belief in the Day of Judgment.
This Dogma can easily be explained authentically “There is no Religion which is very and the most tolerant compared with Islam”.This is my own personal attitude and opinion. What is more, I am very attracted or encouraged by a verse from Al Qur’an, in particular, a verse from Al-Hajj as follows “ya ayuhannsu ittaku robbakum” which means “Oh! Humankind be devout to (worship) your Gods”. I take the word Rob to mean God. The God of Islam is Allah, The Hindu God is Sangyang Widiwase, The Jewish God is Adonai, the Christian God is Allah (but read Allah).
In connection with Christmas, the Islamic Community almost throughout the world officially holds fast to the decrees of certain ulema that to greet a person with “Merry Christmas” what is more to participate in a religious celebration can be interpreted as a “denial of Faith” except ( there are still those who are moderate) it is a question of the attitude to a Friend, or tolerance between religious communities, there are people who break/do not follow those decrees by visiting Friends who are celebrating Christmas.